United Bells of Life is organisation that offers a wide range of different individual and group psychotherapy services and coaching worldwide. We are supporting projects with psychotherapy services around the world.

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MSc. Merima Beslija

Founder, CEO and Ambassador

MSc. Merima Beslija is a German born in Sarajevo. She lived and studied in Germany, England, where she completed the Certificate in Psychodrama Therapy, Dance Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Sexual Therapy, Blair Singer Program Train the Trainer. In addition, Merima graduated from the Faculty of Economics and received her Master's Degree in Agricultural Economics in Sarajevo. Merima lived and worked in the East in the United Arab Emirates and in Europe. In addition to her native languages ​​Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian, she speaks English and German fluently. She worked in safe houses, SOS children's villages, with war traumas, couples, LGBT population, athletes, artists and leaders internationally. She is a successful trainer, motivator, humanitarian, and therapist around the world.